
brand development / creative direction / photography / film / copywriting... I do a lot of things.

Mostly I tell stories.

After twenty years helping build countless brands for other people, in 2020 I started my own, a high performance, fashion cycling brand, “VITTI Cycling”.  

Born from a personal passion, with a healthy side of Italian cinema, Campari and a lot, (an alarming amount) of espresso, I created VITTI from concept to production and distribution, serving as creative director, brand manager, marketing director, filmmaker and distributor. Today, VITTI is worn all over the world by top cyclists….wherever cycling happens the brand is known for its quality and messaging.

I know how to build brands, from inside and out, the big picture, the tiny details, the hard work behind the scenes… all the things that make an idea go from sketches to reality. I know how to create emotional connections with consumers.  I know how to balance between art and commerce, and somehow I’ve managed to stay sane throughout.

More about the Brand...

Monica, Marcello, Campari, Porchetta... all the inspiration behind VITTI Cycling

Brand Photography, Social. etc, etc, etc.





& social
