
I started the brand by putting everything I had into it. All my care and attention, all the things that make me tick. I know all about pouring your heart into a thing. I know about success and failure and trying over and over and keeping faith and being true to an ideal with patience and care. People wear our kit all over the world. In every corner of the globe where cycling happens there are people wearing our kit. I’m proud of that. I’m proud they love our product and our ideals and connect with our message of quality and care.

I’ve had to learn a lot things about pretty much everything. I’ve learned so many things in building this brand, I’ve become a black belt on things I had no idea how to do before. I created the brand to encompasses my vision, my attitude, the things I love, the people I love working with, old friends and new friends from all corners of the globe.

I love maps. When I was a child the wallpaper in my room had airplanes, trains, boats and globes on it. I used to lie there thinking about other places, where I would go, what I would see there. I’ve been to most of those places now.

I have a hardcover of “The Martin Chronicles” that Ray Bradbury himself sent to me from his personal collection with a note inside as a thank you for images I made… it’s a long story…If you ask me I’ll happily tell you.

Some things I think about.

“The truth carries a weight that no lie can counterfit”

“Meglio Solo Che Mal Accompianto” ( better to be alone than in bad company )

“If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything” ... Public Enemy

“Age and treachery will overcome youth and skill” ... Fausto Coppi

“It’s more important to be honest than clever.” 

“There is no such thing as “over thinking”, anyone who tells you that probably hasn’t thought enough about things. Action in and of itself is worth nothing if the thought to bring that action into life hasn’t been well thought out.”  

It’s all personal work. I don’t pretend it isn't. I don't do things just for my career and other things just for myself. It all matters just as much. It all takes time and effort and care.
I’ve done so many things, been to so many places, shot for so many clients, been involved in so many projects. I would be happy to tell you all about it, it’s a conversation best had over Negronis in the summer on my patio with a soft breeze.
If you’d like to see some more pictures and films and other things, hit me up.
If you would like to talk about photography and branding and content hit me up.
If you would just like to hang out and chat about all the small or all the big things, hit me up. 



I was born in Boston. I have a Boston accent only when I’m home and with friends and when I’m pahhken my cahh. I live a mile or so from Harvard and MIT and am surrounded by smart people from all walks of life. A long time ago I thought I wanted to be a painter then I took a photography class and fell deep and hard for all things photo. I went to Mass Art to study photography and spent forever in the darkrooms there working and working and dreaming. I think only mustard should be allowed on hot dogs but I’m not a jerk about it. I’ve done a lot of work over the course of my career for amazing clients and brands and couldn’t be any more grateful to my friends I’ve made along the way.

A partial client list.

Progressive Insurance
Orbit Gum
New Balance
Dunkin Donuts
Jet Blue
Pearl Vision
Disegno Magazine
Marie Claire
Golf Digest
Golf Magazine
Modern Farmer
Self Magazine
Fast Company
Bloomberg Business Week
Runner’s World
Men’s Health 
Men’s Journal
New York Times
Boston Magazine
MIT Tech Review